Month: March 2021

What is the best earring for your face shape – Spring 2021

What is the best earring for your face shape – Spring 2021 What is the best earring for your face shape

We’ve all seen the fashion guides that recommend certain styles of clothing depending on our body type. We also see how different hairstyles are recommended depending on our face, body, and even age. But knowing the best earring for your face shape is probably something you’ve never heard of – either did I until I […]

Best Jewelry Gifts for Girls – easter edition

Best Jewelry Gifts for Girls – easter edition girls jewelry

Easter is a great time to start new traditions, and while candy is always a popular item for an Easter basket, jewelry (especially handmade and personalized) is extra-special. It’s a fun, unique surprise in your loved ones Easter basket. Here is my list of my favorite jewelry gifts for girls. I have recently started creating […]